National volunteer week celebrates volunteers and volunteering. This year's theme is 'Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi I the benefit of working together.
National Volunteer Week honours the collective energies and mana of all our volunteers in Aotearoa. They grow our people, open minds, open hearts and create joy.
Volunteers have revealed through connecting, we belong. And through generosity and ngākau nui, big heartedness, communities will be strong, be well, and be able to meet challenges and changes, both big and small.
We would like to acknowledge our volunteers at the Y, who combined have contributed to over 2000 hours of time - Garry, Lester, Keryn, Ashleigh, Lynette, Garth, Ian, Brent, Bryan, Bernadette, Kimberley, Heather, Mary, Katrina, Olivia, Megan, Sarah, Kathy, Colin, Peter, Vince, Shirley, Roger, Larry, David, Helen, Tania, Jo, Karen, Janet, Ruth, Savannah, Jennifer and Nikki.
You all make a difference to the lives of many women and children.
We could not continue to operate without our volunteers help.
tēnā koutou Thank you
#NVW2020 #mahitahi #teamwork #tautoko #support #whakamiha #appreciate #volunteers #thankyou#AotearoaOfKindness