285 Hereford Street Christchurch Central 8011 | Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am -4pm

The Y- a transitional housing provider and support service for women with children and whanau

The Y Christchurch is a part of a national and global mission to empower and support women. Here in Christchurch we offer transitional accommodation for women and children on our Hereford Street site at the Y and whanau transitional housing (including Dads) at our other sites.
We are here to support you if you are in need of a place to stay. Give us a call Monday to Friday between 8am-4pm, to be referred to our housing when you are already in emergency accommodation go to your Work and Income/MSD office to ask them for a referral letter to the YWCA transitional housing.
About staying with us at Hereford St site:
Our rooms are fully furnished and self contained (washing machines included)
We provide you with linen
We have a meeting room for visitors and Whanau
You can bring your children with you to stay (boys must be under 14 years of age)
What you need to know:
An initial assessment is required in order to stay with us as well as a referral through work and income to our transitional housing. It is also important to note that we have a zero tolerance policy towards non-prescription drugs, alcohol and abusive behaviour and language
You will need to pay rent each week through your benefit or wage
You will need to provide your own food. On our Hereford St site we share all food donations with all clients
How we support you when you are staying with us:
We can assist you to apply to Kainga Ora (social housing), and private rental options to get long-term and permanent accommodation
We have on-site counselling during the academic year
We assist you with a budgeting course as part of your stay at the Y and other skills in our Life Skills Program.
Refer you to any services that you may need assistance from




We are currently looking for volunteers who are interested in being a part of The Y Christchurch. As you can see above, we offer lots of wonderful opportunities for the women and children in our residence.
In order for us to continue doing what we do, we need volunteer assistance. Our volunteers may be a mentor, assist with our programmes or even help with the maintenance of our grounds and units.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, fill out the ‘Contact Us’ form at the bottom of this page. We’d love to hear from you!